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Terms of Service - Mozilla Formulaic

Last updated July 3, 2024

Formulaic (the “Service”) is a service that allows users to create, share, manage, and use templates (the “Formulas”) for querying Artificial Intelligence (AI) based Large Language Model (LLMs) (the “Service”). It also allows users to run those queries through a third party LLM platform, and to view and store your queries and the resulting responses. (For the purposes of this Agreement, Formulas, instructions, your documents, descriptions, and responses will all be referred to as the “Content”.) The Service is owned, licensed, and operated by Mozilla Corporation (referred to herein as "we," "us," "our," or "Mozilla").

Please read these terms of service (“Agreement” or “Terms”) carefully before you sign up for or use the Service. The Terms constitute a binding legal agreement, which govern your use of the Service via any platform or device. By accessing, signing up for, or using the Service, you agree to be bound by these Terms.

1. The Service

The Service (including both the platform and the Formulas shared by other users, as well as your ability to submit and/or run the Formulas using third party LLMs) is provided solely for use according to these Terms. If you agree to these terms on behalf of a third party, such as your employer, you represent that you are authorized to, and intend to bind that party to these Terms.

By accepting these terms, you also accept the Formulaic Privacy Notice and Formulaic Content Policies.

A. Creating an Account

In order to view, store your documents, queries and results, to view or run shared queries, or to share content of your own, you will need to create an account on the Service using your Google Account. You can create a Google Account on Google’s signup page. More information about the information that we receive from Google, and how we use that information, is included in the Formulaic Privacy Notice. Google Accounts has it’s own Privacy Notice.

B. Using the Service

You give Mozilla all rights necessary to operate the Service, including processing the data you upload to or access through the Service such as queries & results, “saves,” user profiles, and similar items, as referenced in our Privacy Notice.

You will comply with Mozilla’s Acceptable Use Policy as well as the other policies referenced in this Agreement. You also agree that you will not use the Service to violate any law in the jurisdiction where you are based, or to infringe the rights of one or more third parties.

You will use the service only for the purpose of creating, sharing, exchanging, testing and saving LLM prompts and their resulting responses. If you appear to be using the Service for something other than its intended purpose, including merely to access the underlying AI models, your use may be terminated. You may not use the service, or any of the underlying LLM models, to support the creation of your own LLM. You also may not use the service to create a product that competes with any product developed by Google.

Any ideas, suggestions, or feedback that you provide about the Service may be used by Mozilla for free, without any additional obligations.

When you use the Service to run a query, the response will be provided by a third party LLM operator. If you use the Google LLM, Google may use your (anonymized) content to train its AI model. Outputs from LLMs may not always be accurate, and should not be relied on for factual information, or for advice related to finances, employment, education, housing, legal, medical, career, or other important personal decisions. LLM outputs are affected by a number of factors such as inputs, training data, programming, and others, and may be incomplete, incorrect, or offensive, or refer to specific products, companies, or individuals. They do not represent Mozilla’s views, or indicate an endorsement of any kind.

C. Term; Termination

These Terms will continue to apply until ended by either you or Mozilla. You can choose to end them at any time for any reason by discontinuing your use of the Service and, if applicable, deleting your account. If you choose to terminate your account, we may terminate your account data, including any Formulas that you have created or shared using the Service.

We may suspend or terminate your access to the Service at any time for any reason, including, but not limited to if we reasonably believe: (i) you have violated these Terms, the Content Policy or another relevant policy; (ii) your use of the product creates risk or legal exposure for us; or (iii) our provision of the Service to you is no longer commercially viable.

In all such cases, these Terms shall terminate, except that the following sections shall continue to apply: Communications and Content, Mozilla’s Intellectual Property, Indemnification, Disclaimer & Limitation of Liability, Choice of Law & Jurisdiction

2. Communications and Content

By signing up for your account, you represent that you will only share material that you own and/or have the legal right to share and sublicense to others.

A. Content that you Share

When you submit content to Formulaic, you continue to own the rights to that content. You grant Mozilla a worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, transferable license to use, copy, modify, adapt, sub-license, prepare derivative works from, distribute, perform, and display that information for the purpose of operating the Service. That license will persist even if your account is terminated.

Content shared on the service is subject to the Formulaic Content Policies. We may remove content that violates those policies, and in the case of certain violations, may suspend or deactivate your account. When we do this, we will send you a notice indicating the policy violation you committed and the action that we have taken, and will provide you the opportunity to appeal.

B. Use of Content on the Service

Queries shared on the Service are intended for use on major LLM and similar AI-based platforms. While there are currently no LLM or similar AI-based platforms operated by Mozilla, you can choose to use the Service to run queries using our LLM partners. If you choose to independently use the queries on third party LLM platforms, your use is governed by those platforms’ terms of service.

Mozilla makes no representations about the quality or usefulness of the Content, or its efficacy in obtaining a particular result. You are responsible for any prompts or queries that you share or create on the Service, for your own use of the Content, and for any consequences of misuse. Your right to use the Content may not apply to information or material that is added to, or that results from an AI-based query.

3. Mozilla’s Intellectual Property

Mozilla does not grant you any intellectual property rights in Formulaic or other Mozilla products and services unless these Terms specifically say otherwise. For example, these Terms do not provide the right to use any of Mozilla’s copyrights, trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features.

4. Services Interruption

Formulaic is an experimental product. We plan to continue to develop and change it over time. In some cases, we might have to temporarily suspend or limit service without providing notice. You will not be entitled to claim expenses or damages for such suspension or limitation.

5. Indemnification

You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Mozilla, and its respective parent and affiliate companies, contractors, contributors, licensors, partners, directors, officers, employees and agents (“Indemnified Parties”) from and against any and all third party claims and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, arising out of or related to your use of the Service. This includes, but is not limited to, claims and expenses arising from any of the Content shared by you.

6. Disclaimer & Limitation of Liability

Mozilla offers the Service “as is.” Mozilla does not represent or warrant that the Service, the platform, or the Formulas are suitable for any particular purpose, or that they are free of defects or problems.

Any tool or service that you select for a particular purpose is selected at your own risk, including the risk that your content could be deleted or corrupted, or that the Service might fail to meet your specific needs or to perform at the level you desire.

Except as required by law, Mozilla will not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages arising out of or in any way relating to these Terms, from your use of or loss of access to the Service, from your use or of Formulas found on the site, or from others’ use or misuse of Formulas that you share. Risks may include loss of goodwill, work stoppage, lost profits, loss of data, computer failure or malfunction, and other damages, for which Mozilla will not be responsible (even if advised of the possibility of such damages), under any legal theory (tort, contract or otherwise).

Mozilla’s total liability under this agreement will not not exceed $500, except where specifically provided by law.

7. Modification of These Terms

Mozilla may update these Terms from time to time, and will post the updated Terms online. Where changes are substantive, we will notify you via email, in public announcements, or through the Service itself.

Your continued use of Formulaic after we update the Terms constitutes your acceptance of the new Terms. To better enable you to track changes, we will post an effective date at the top of this page.

8. Choice of Law & Jurisdiction

This contract will be interpreted and enforced in accordance with California state law. If there is any conflict between this English version of the contract and a translation, the English version applies.

Any disputes arising out of this contract or your use of the Service will be heard in the state of California.

If there is a conflict or ambiguity between a translated version of these terms and the English language version, the English language version applies.

9. Contact Us

Our copyright or trademark claims reporting page explains how to report infringement on the Service.

For other concerns, you may email us at or write to us at the following address:

Mozilla Corporation \ Attn: Mozilla – Legal Notices \ 149 New Montgomery Street \ 4th Floor \ San Francisco, CA 94105